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What is Self-Nourish to Flourish?

A new book designed to help you build foundational practices from which you can have a life filled with more authenticity, joy, and generosity.  


You’re tired, overwhelmed, exhausted. Trying to be and do everything is becoming too much. There is pervasive loneliness, anxiety, and depression in modern western society. Self-care, which is critical to wholeness and successful participation in life and society, is often the last consideration. It’s easy to neglect your own needs to the point of joylessness, burnout, and sickness still believing you can serve others. You can’t. Without the foundational practices of self-care and its radical sister soul-care, you will continue to live your lives feeling tired and half-hearted.


Proper care for the self and soul is an essential practice for healing the rest of the relationships in your life, and in turn, the connections you have to larger society.  When you continually project yourself outward, but neglect the vital foundation of self-love necessary to build other relationships upon, fatigue sets in. Love of self is often considered negative or selfish, but in truth, it is key to loving others.

Building a creative, tailored practice of soul-care from exercises that teach you to see, love, and trust yourself is vital to wholeness and to extending love outward. Practicing discernment in order to define your own needs, values, and beliefs is the first step to a vibrant soul-care practice. After learning how to consistently practice discernment. The book provides numerous Transformative Techniques which allow you to create consistent soul-care practice that is creative, unique, and appropriate to your needs at all stages of life’s journey.